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[ NNSquad ] Researchers identify command servers behind Google attack

You only get one guess ...

NNSquad Moderator

----- Forwarded message from Dave Farber <dfarber@me.com> -----

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 23:11:04 -0500
From: Dave Farber <dfarber@me.com>
Subject: [IP] Researchers identify command servers behind Google attack
Reply-To: dave@farber.net
To: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>

>From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe@gabegold.com>
>To: "Dave Farber" <dave@farber.net>
>Date: January 14, 2010 08:20:02 PM EST
>Subject: IP: Researchers identify command servers behind Google attack
>VeriSign's iDefense security lab has published a report with technical 
>details about the recent cyberattack that hit Google and over 30 other 
>companies. The iDefense researchers traced the attack back to its origin 
>and also identified the command-and-control servers that were used to 
>manage the malware.
>The cyber-assault came to light on Tuesday when Google disclosed to the 
>public that the Gmail Web service was targeted in a highly-organized 
>attack in late December. Google said that the intrusion attempt 
>originated from China and was executed with the goal of obtaining 
>information about political dissidents, but the company declined to 
>speculate about the identity of the perpetrator.
>Citing sources in the defense contracting and intelligence consulting 
>community, the iDefense report unambiguously declares that the Chinese 
>government was, in fact, behind the effort. The report also says that 
>the malicious code was deployed in PDF files that were crafted to 
>exploit a vulnerability in Adobe's software.
>Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc.          (703) 204-0433
>3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042        gabe@gabegold.com
>LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gabegold

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