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[ NNSquad ] Open Source Music Fingerprinter Receives C&D Order, Drawing Attention to His Work

Open Source Music Fingerprinter Receives C&D Order, Drawing Attention
to His Work

http://bit.ly/bickd0  (Slashdot)

Summary: A software and music enthusiast in the Netherlands does a
blog post explaining his analysis of music "fingerprinting" -- and
quickly receives a Cease and Desist order from the Shazam patent
holders (Landmark Digital Services) ordering it to be removed.

As a result, vast new attention has been drawn to the many mirrored
copies of his analysis and code fragments.

Even if we assume this represents "due diligence" by Landmark Digital
Services, the end result is lots more people playing with code that
Landmark presumably had wished to suppress.  

NNSquad Moderator