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[ NNSquad ] Re: Sandvine MSO Study shows device throttles P2P upload by 98%

On 11/22/07, Phil Karn <karn@ka9q.net> wrote:
> If -- *IF* -- there are many nodes in a Bit Torrent (say) session, and most of
> these nodes happen to peer with nodes outside the ISP and relatively few with
> each other, then a box that discriminates against inter-ISP transfers could
> actually improve the transfer rates of individual nodes. They'd do this by
> encouraging intra-ISP transfers and making more efficient use of limited
> inter-ISP capacity by not sending multiple copies of the same data over the same
> links.

This is a feature of "BitTorrent DNA," although I don't know how it
was implemented.  I also know that Azureus/Vuze figures out the AS
number of its host, purportedly for a upcoming feature (so it can find
peers on the same AS?).

Bizarre fact -- Comcast interrupts Comcast-to-Comcast transfers, even
those that never leave the Comcast network!  And the irony to this
fact is the effect that it has: it makes the least expensive pairings
twice as likely to get interrupted!

Robb Topolski