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[ NNSquad ] Re: Google Hijacked -- Major ISP to Intercept and Modify Web Pages

It's simply amazing to me that ISP's believe they have the right to
modify the content of what they are transporting.  Imagine if other
industries did something similar.  Think about a trucking company
modifying every piece of freight on one of their trucks.  No body
would argue that those actions were acceptable.

Josh Smith

             [ As I mentioned earlier, I believe that some polite discussion
	       of this issue is relevant.  We've already seen the various
	       views regarding Deep Packet Inspection for the purposes of
	       traffic shaping.  However, should DPI for the purposes of
	       collecting user activity data (e.g., which sites individual
	       users visit) and for the actual *modification* of returned
	       third-party Web pages and the associated user experience, be
	       behaviors that the project should consider to be non-neutral at
	       the *very* least?  Obviously, I personally believe that to be
	       the case.

                                              -- Lauren Weinstein
                                                 NNSquad Moderator ]


On Dec 9, 2007 12:27 AM, Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com> wrote:
>        Google Hijacked -- Major ISP to Intercept and Modify Web Pages
>                 http://lauren.vortex.com/archive/000337.html
>      [ Due to highly relevant screen capture content, please see the link
>        above to read this item.  Thanks! ]
> --Lauren--
> NNSquad Moderator