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[ NNSquad ] Two NN Events Tomorrow (Well, Today)

Two events tomorrow, same time:

Susan Crawford will speak to the House Judiciary Committee, along with
Damian Kulash of OK Go, Michele Combs of Christian Coalition of
America, Rick Carnes of Songwriters Guild of America, Caroline
Fredrickson of ACLU, and Christopher Yoo of University of

Tuesday 03/11/2008 - 2:00 PM
2141 Rayburn House Office Building
Judiciary Committee Antitrust Task Force
Hearing on Net Neutrality and Free Speech on the Internet
> http://judiciary.house.gov/oversight.aspx?ID=426


Harold Feld of Media Access Project and Marvin Ammori of Free Press
will debate Ken Ferree of the Progress and Freedom Foundation and
Lawrence Spiwak of the Phoenix Center:

Broadband Industry Practices Webcast
Debate on Net Neutrality
March 11, 2008 - 2 PM ET
> http://www.vontv.net/events/080311/

Susan has the bigger task, I think, as she will deal with Christopher
Yoo's odd indirection, and apparently copyright stakeholders are being
thrown into the mix (which really is off the point, but it suggests
the level the proceeding will be starting from).

However, if she is true to form, she can be expected to make the
single most important point that needs to be stressed as the
discussion moves toward "network management" and "quality of service"
-- that the Internet platform is general purpose.  This is the most
important technical point that must always be incorporated in the
discussion of NN, which will allow us to distinguish what really is
problematic and what is not.  That point leads to practical and
constructive insight, providing the opportunity for all participants
to come to understanding of where numerous, diverse concerns are
appropriately positioned, while we discuss the free speech, privacy,
common carriage, antitrust, nondiscrimination and other key issues
that are implied in the "net neutrality" issue.
