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[ NNSquad ] Re: Liability issues in ISP-injected ad systems?

It is unclear why this would create any more or different vulnerabilities
than one might expect from any other site which contained third party

That being said, our ISP has considered catching DNS errors for a different 
reason. An increasing number of our users seem to have "DNS error redirectors" 
installed on their machines -- either when they buy them (it seems to be a 
"feature" of many vendors' installations of Windows Vista) or when they install 
third party toolbars, etc. Some of these redirectors seem to be designed to 
hijack and/or mislead the user.

If we redirect the errors to our own error page, we can actually protect our 
users from security vulnerabilities and hijacking that might occur if we let 
them get an NXDOMAIN result back.

--Brett Glass