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[ NNSquad ] Germany preparing mandated ISP URL blocking

Yet another government Web blocking plan -- as usual under the "stop
c-porn" banner.  And as always, it will be utterly unsuccessful at
stopping people who really want to access such material.  It's
increasingly obvious that the politicians involved don't really care
if their "blocking" mechanisms are effective or not, or how much
collateral damage they cause -- as long as they can tell the public
that they've done *something*.

[auto-translated by Google]:,1518,601440,00.html&usg=ALkJrhjkyI3kwPL70jqXj33NIomdmDmAAw

A story is also circulating claiming that the same British porn
censors who recently backed off over the decades-old "Virgin Killer"
album cover photo, are now blocking large sections of The Internet
Archive in an attempt to prevent access to imagery there.  However,
these reports appear to currently be rather sketchy.

NNSquad Moderator