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[ NNSquad ] filtering in Italy

FYI... (cfr attachment) I think it might interest you

voted in one of the 2 houses of parliament in Italy, needs to go to the other (and my guess it will not be approved bby both, as it's against our constitution, but you never know...)


Repression of activities of apology or instigation to criminal acts committed through the internet

1. Whenever anyone is prosecuted for crimes of instigation to criminal acts or to disobey the law, or for crimes of apology of a crime, envisaged by the penal code or by other penal provisions, and actual elements exist so to allow to think that someone commits such activity of apology or of instigation through data transmission on the internet network, the Minister of Interior, following up to a communication by judicial authority, can provide with own decree for the interruption of the said activity, by ordering to the providers of connectivity to the internet network to use the proper instruments of filtering that are needed to that purpose.
5. To the fourth comma of article 266 of the penal code, number 1) is so replaced: “by means of press, by data transmission on the internet network, or by other means of propaganda.”

Attachment: art50bis-facebook-filtering.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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