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[ NNSquad ] Re: CDT (Leslie Harris) Op-Ed on "Three Strikes" Internet Laws

What does it mean to be banned from the Internet's pipes and tubes and knobs
and wires?

Would this mean that I can't use Vonage or Skype? Does it mean I can't get
my "cable" from Verizon -- or least I wouldn't be allowed to use their VoD
service? Does it mean I can't use a medical device that uses IP to report my
health status? Does it mean I can't stay at a hotel that offers IP
connectivity as an amenity? Do I have to stay 100 meters from the nearest

  [ The technical term for laws that attempt to ban people from using 
    the Internet is: "bullshit" ...

       -- Lauren Weinstein
          NNSquad Moderator ]

-----Original Message-----
From: nnsquad-bounces+nnsquad=bobf.frankston.com@nnsquad.org
[mailto:nnsquad-bounces+nnsquad=bobf.frankston.com@nnsquad.org] On Behalf Of
Lauren Weinstein
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 01:12
To: nnsquad@nnsquad.org
Subject: [ NNSquad ] CDT (Leslie Harris) Op-Ed on "Three Strikes" Internet

CDT (Leslie Harris) Op-Ed on "Three Strikes" Internet Laws

http://bit.ly/8RbeLJ   (ABC News)

NNSquad Moderator