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[ NNSquad ] Germany's Constitutional Court held that EU data retention laws are unconstitutional in Germany

----- Forwarded message from Dave Farber <dave@farber.net> -----

Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 11:43:11 -0500
From: Dave Farber <dave@farber.net>
Subject: [IP] Germany's Constitutional Court held that EU data retention laws
	are unconstitutional in Germany
Reply-To: dave@farber.net
To: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Alex French <alex@evilal.com>
> Date: March 3, 2010 10:57:21 AM EST
> To: dave@farber.net
> Cc: ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>
> Subject: Re: [IP] Germany's Constitutional Court held that EU data  
> retention laws are unconstitutional in Germany

> Dave,
> The headline and excerpt are misleading, The court specifically upheld 
> the EU directive, but ruled that the way that it was transposed into 
> German law was flawed and not sufficiently specific.
> Every EU country is transposing this Directive into national law (most 
> have already done so) but this process is filled with uncertainty as 
> local lawmakers often try and stuff extra things into the transposed 
> law; they can sometimes get away with this but unless they stay fairly 
> close to the original Directive, they risk a constitutional issue such 
> as this.
> --
> Alex
> On 3 March 2010 15:05, David Farber <dave@farber.net> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sandra Keegan <sandra.keegan@gmail.com>
> Date: March 3, 2010 9:56:32 AM EST
> To: dave@farber.net
> Subject: Germany's Constitutional Court held that EU data retention  
> laws are unconstitutional in Germany
> "The highest court in Germany yesterday ruled that a central plank of 
> anti-terrorist security legislation in the European Union, requiring the 
> storage of at least six months' worth of telephone and internet data, 
> was contrary to the country's fundamental law."
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c6191de8-2663-11df-aff3-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1
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