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[ NNSquad ] Sony standing firm on decision to "block" Linux from PS3

Sony standing firm on decision to "block" Linux from PS3

http://bit.ly/ctV7Qz  (Thinq)

Especially given that the capability of running alternate OSes was a
heavy promoted feature of the PS3 originally, the decision by Sony to
now remove this functionality -- apparently primarily to try block
Linux as part of a "security upgrade," qualifies as very misguided.

[Astro Boy cries in anguish ...]

Let me rephrase:

What Sony has done is Seriously Stupid.  C'mon Sony, you can do
better.  At least you *used* to be able to do better.

Naturally, various workarounds to the restriction are already
reportedly appearing.  Surprise!

NNSquad Moderator