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[ NNSquad ] TSA to block "controversial opinions" from employees

TSA to block "controversial opinions" from employees

The Transportation Security Agency, itself the subject of pretty much
continuous controversy over its secretive and error-prone no-fly list
and other tactics, has decided to block its employees from Web sites
that present "controversial opinions" -- according to an internal memo
obtained by CBS: http://bit.ly/cwByuj (CBS).

While the other topics on the TSA block list are not particularly
unusual for conservative CYA organization block lists, including
"chat/messaging," "criminal activity," and "gaming" -- the inclusion
of "controversial opinions" on the forbidden list can't help
but bring a definite Orwellian tint to the picture.

In fact, one would hope that TSA employees, working for an agency that
itself generates so much controversy, would *encourage* the
exploration of controversial opinions -- whatever they are supposed to
be -- not ban them.

At this time, TSA has not detailed exactly what verboten controversial
opinions include.  Concerns about body scanners?  Negative opinions
of Air Marshall techniques?  Op-eds that question the degree to which
TSA procedures represent real security vs. just "security theater" 
and the like?

Many observers are waiting for TSA's clarifications on this issue.

NNSquad Moderator