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[ NNSquad ] Crawford and Lessig Op-Ed on Google/Verizon -- and how language matters

Crawford and Lessig Op-Ed on Google/Verizon -- and how language matters

http://bit.ly/cyEsmH  (Mercury News)

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Lauren's note: I am unconvinced that the debate on these important
issues is advanced in a useful and positive way by the use of loaded
language such as (in the op-ed noted above):

"Don't let these giant galoots shaking hands in the corner distract 
 you -- you [FCC] have a job to do."

I personally find that rhetoric to be offensive and counterproductive,
and I'd strongly urge that all parties who are critical of aspects
included in the Google/Verizon plan try to minimize the sort of name-calling
and emotionalism that has already decimated our political environment.

NNSquad Moderator