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[ NNSquad ] election and NN

----- Forwarded message from David Farber <dave@farber.net> -----

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 11:21:28 -0500
From: David Farber <dave@farber.net>
Subject: [IP] election and NN
Reply-To: dave@farber.net
To: ip <ip@listbox.com>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chris Beck <cbeck@pacanukeha.net>
Date: November 8, 2010 11:01:21 AM EST
To: dave@farber.net
Subject: Re: [IP] with editors comment Reinvigorated push to protect the Internet -- the "Open Internet" with editors comment

Hi Dave,

Brett seems to have overstated the relationship between the election
and net-neutrality:

On 7 November 2010 01:32, David Farber <dave@farber.net> wrote:
> The people of the United States have made their views on all of this abundantly clear.
> In the recent election, every legislator who signed the PCCC "network neutrality" pledge
> at http://netneutralityprotectors.com/ lost his or her election. Could there possibly be a
> stronger or clearer public mandate not to regulate the Internet?

Well, yes. Those were all democrats running against Republican
incumbents in heavily Republican-favoured distrcits:


the PCCC pledges were not from existing Representatives, but those
trying to get elected to Congress against incumbents -- and nearly
every one came from historically Republican districts. In other words,
nearly every one of those Democrats who "lost," were guaranteed to
lose no matter what. On top of that, Broadband Reports took a look at
a couple of other "net neutrality" pledges by folks actually in
Congress, and noted that a bunch of Democratic Representatives who
signed an anti-Net Neutrality pledge still lost their races, and of
those who signed on to a pro-net neutrality list, *not a single
Democrat on that list lost their re-election bid.*

[Christopher Beck] [http://pacanukeha.wordpress.com]
Say it with me: you don't get good government from people who think
government is the problem.


----- End forwarded message -----