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[ NNSquad ] Why Cancelling Google Reader - Like Cancelling "Star Trek" - Is Entirely Logical

   Why Cancelling Google Reader - Like Cancelling "Star Trek" - Is Entirely Logical


Recently, in "The End of Google Reader Is Not the End of the World," I
noted that while I would miss Google Reader when it sunsets come July,
this is not a cosmic cataclysm by any means, and that many good
alternatives in support of RSS feeds exist and are in active
development. ( http://j.mp/12RItyn [Lauren's Blog] )

But man, judging from some of the reactions around the Web and in
mainstream media from Google's announcement, you'd think Google had
just triggered the planetary self-destruct mechanism of Altair IV from
"Forbidden Planet."

Not only are articles bemoaning the coming shutdown of a service that
relatively few people really even knew about -- and far fewer
regularly used -- commentators are attempting to use the retirement of
Reader after nearly eight years (an eon in Internet time) as a signal
that Google has lost its way, or can't be trusted, or perhaps kills

I remember a similar reaction when NBC cancelled the original "Star Trek" 
(ST:TOS - "Star Trek: The Original Series" in geek-speak) in 1969 
after three seasons (it almost was cancelled at the end of the
second season).

You would have thought the world was indeed coming to an end.  And
just as I'm a heavy user of Google Reader today, I was a big fan of
Trek back then.  My junior high school (like a middle school today)
even had a Star Trek club of which I was a member.  Can you guess
which character was my special province of expertise?  You're probably

We were certainly disappointed when the cancellation of Trek was
announced.  But, truth be told, none of us were very surprised.  While
it's a fact that NBC wasn't offering the series much love, and its
scheduling (remember, no home videotape or DVRs back then) was
increasingly problematic, the script quality overall had fallen off
drastically as well.  The final aired episode -- "Turnabout
Intruder" -- had William Shatner trying to convince us that he had
the mind and soul of a female scientist who had stolen his body.  That
segment was so awful that I almost did a turnabout of my lunch when I
originally saw it.

Anyway, the other big problem for the series was that its rating
numbers were relatively terrible.  It had a highly dedicated audience
of what we might call "power viewers" -- but they did not represent a
large audience in network television terms of the day.

Put all this together, and it was entirely logical -- as you-know-who
would say -- for NBC to end the series.

And in the fullness of time, when conditions were right, Trek was
resurrected in various ways.  I worked in Hollywood on the first Trek
film (ST:TMP - "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"), and while it was no
great shakes, it launched a continuing successful franchise that is
still expanding today.

Given the current state of RSS, and Reader's low user numbers,
Google's upcoming cancellation of Reader is similarly logical.

Any Internet firm that wants to be successful and stay that way in a
rapidly changing environment needs to be constantly exploring new
areas and moving away from services that are no longer a good fit --
especially when user data can be easily exported and other firms have
services ready to fill similar roles -- as is the case with RSS and

And when you come right down to it, how long is any firm "required" to
keep any service going -- especially but not limited to free services,
beyond the letter of their Terms of Service?  A year?  Five?  Ten?
Fifty?  Who's to decide?

Coming from the standpoint of someone who never dreamed decades ago
that we'd have such powerful information resources at our fingertips
without constantly opening our wallets and paying through the nose to
each individual service provider, a part of me is still amazed at how
the Internet ecosystem has developed.

That's also why I view with considerable concern the attitudes of
those persons who not only complain about Web ads and anonymous
personalization systems that help to pay the bills that make this all
possible, but who also seem to feel entitled to demand that all of
this stay free, essentially forever, in exactly the form they desire.
There's a "cut off your nose to spite your face" sensibility in many
of their complaints, as if they'd like to see the entire Internet
ecosystem crash and burn to make a point.  I find that ... disturbing.

In any case, the world survived the cancellation of Trek, and we'll
survive the retirement of Reader as well.  And just as Trek eventually
was renewed and became stronger, there are reasons to believe that 
RSS -- if it continues to serve a useful purpose -- will also do the same.

This is in fact the sort of evolution that is fundamental for helping
ensure the Internet's ability to -- sorry, I can't resist -- live long
and prosper.

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
 - Data Wisdom Explorers League: http://www.dwel.org
 - Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance: http://www.gctip.org
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Lauren's Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com
Google+: http://vortex.com/g+lauren / Twitter: http://vortex.com/t-lauren 
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com

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