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[ NNSquad ] Utah Couple Fined $3, 500 by Online Merchant KlearGear Retains Lawyer, Turns Tables

Utah Couple Fined $3,500 by Online Merchant KlearGear Retains Lawyer,
Turns Tables

http://j.mp/1b25mkm  (ABC News)

   "There is an option to post updates to the report at no charge to
   anyone," Ed Magedson, founder of RipOffReport told ABCNews.com. "For
   example, if Kleargear.com reconsiders its decisions, Jen Palmer could
   post an update to tell other consumers how the situation was
   resolved."  When the Palmers refused to pay the amount, KlearGear.com
   reported their "debt" to one or more credit reporting agencies. When
   the Palmers disputed the debt with several credit reporting agencies,
   KlearGear.com continued to maintain that the debt was owed and then
   demanded a $50 "dispute fee" because they attempted to dispute the
   debt, the couple says.

 - - -

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
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Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com
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