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[ NNSquad ] Re: Privacy of raw data

> Of course any individual may, on their own, publish results of a
> run of a test program. 

Of course.

> It is not clear to me that there need be any official NNSquad
> reports.  Rather NNSquad might help develop and improve an art
> which we who are for the Net can use to show what the Net is, why
> we want to keep it, and how and where our Net is under attack.

I believe that NNSquad analysis and reports are at least as
important as the raw data collection aspects of the project.
Without expert analysis, the data will be largely useless to most
consumers, and subject to serious misinterpretation as well.
However, this is not to say that alternate views based on the data
might not be created and published by other parties, and I for one
would invite ISP explanations and comments related to observed
"issues" as well.

NNSquad Moderator