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[ NNSquad ] P2P resource taking (was Re: pcap files of the Comcast forgeries?)

On Dec 18, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Brett Glass wrote:

Intellectual property issues aside, this is one of the biggest problems
with P2P software: it is designed to take resources from third parties
to accomplish the goals of the authors of the software. This is not
something that anyone concerned with privacy or security should support.

This is only tangentially related to supernodes; it's more of a response to the "P2P = bandwidth theft" argument.

In the phone network we have "caller pays" (regular calls) and "callee pays" (toll-free, collect). I see P2P as a form of "receiver pays" for Internet data transfer. I suspect that allowing both models will increase efficiency by allowing data transfers to take place that would be uneconomical under a "sender pays" model.

There is some evil out there (like Skype offloading all their NAT/ firewall traversal cost to US universities and then monetizing the resulting network effect lock-in), but all P2P shouldn't be painted with the same brush.

Wes Felter - wesley@felter.org - http://felter.org/wesley/