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[ NNSquad ] Pakistan access to YouTube restored after "blasphemous" vid removed

Greetings.  Reportedly Google buckled on this one.  It seems that
to get videos removed from YouTube you don't need to be a rights
holder -- being a religious zealot will suffice.  But specific
religions and images aside, and given that "blasphemy" is in the
mind of the beholder, these sorts of actions seem quite risky on
Google's part, and would seem to open the door to exactly the sort
of ongoing hands-on, value-based, micromanaged content control that
I've been led to believe was what Google sincerely wished to avoid.  

We know that DMCA orders will pull videos, but exactly how much
blasphemy is required to zap vids that offend you, but to which you
have no rights?

Anyway, here's the story, including comment on the ramifications of
the associated routing fiasco:


NNSquad Moderator