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[ NNSquad ] Re: Cable programming standoffs and 1994 law could result in government regulation

Lauren Weinstein wrote:
Cable programming standoffs and 1994 law could result in government regulation

http://bit.ly/7AxugW (Washington Post)

I think the last two paragraphs of the article are key:

The prospect of lawmakers stepping in to take action ultimately may have persuaded Fox to settle, according to Time Warner Cable.

"Engagement by key policy makers ... focused on protecting consumers, was instrumental in preventing unnecessary consumer disruption," said company spokeswoman Maureen Huff.


IOW, TW's campaign to blame it all on Fox was successful. I went to TW's "rolloverorgettough.com" site and clicked "roll over", whereupon I got only a statement about how awful Fox was and an option to "get tough" after all. But there was a comments box, so I told them to grow up, stop posturing, and work out a deal.

Really, I'm beginning to think we need the old FCC "equal time" rule. If TW gets to propagandize their users about who's at fault in this playground squabble, Fox should get to send a message of equal length to the same list.

Feh.  A pox on both their houses.