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[ NNSquad ] Re: [Canada goes crazy

Speaking as a Canadian the last thing we need is to measure the net in bits and bytes.

I've been warning people for years the Internet is crap. Yes yes it's got it's high points ... but ... it's dangerous.

Now no one took my warnings seriously and today we are a society dependent on a flaky technology thats easy to hack. Example ... the Beijing I root server which I think is till offline.

Now - since you are now a society dependent on this technology - should you not get the best. I agree with many that the Internet has become a right. Society has become dependent on it and to deny anyone access is a wrong. Some European countries have recognized this principle.

To get the most out of the Internet increased speeds are essential. Vint has addressed that on more then one occasion. 1G speeds should be the norm - not the exception. If you want to advance this society and get the most out of the Internet you need speed to breed innovation.

Government should make fiber a basic service to the office and the home.

But what we have now in Canada is primitive to the core. Copper or cable and a very limited selection of ISPs. And that is basically the same in the USA. As our European and Asian cousins surpass us in speed and cheaper rates - we here in North America where the Internet was born are becoming technological hillbillies.

joe baptista

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:53 PM, David P. Reed <dpreed@reed.com> wrote:
Regarding paying for bits... I don't think it is any more or less crazy than the UK's requirement that every radio and TV receiver pay an annual license fee.   As a pragmatic measure it's *different* than requiring transmitters to pay the government for a license to transmit, or requiring people to watch commercial advertisements to get "free" TV News programming.

Crazy?  Anything that is novel is first viewed as crazy.  So what?

It would be more useful to talk about what is useful or not useful about deciding to do that.  Doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, of course.

On 05/07/2010 01:16 PM, nnsquad-request@nnsquad.org wrote:
            NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad

Today's Topics: 1. Canada goes crazy (Bob Frankston) 2. Re: Canada goes crazy (Nuno Garcia) 3. Re: Canada goes crazy (Bob Frankston) 4. Re: Canada goes crazy (Markus Peuhkuri) 5. Re: Canada goes crazy (Robert Oliver) 6. Re: Canada goes crazy (Bob Frankston) 7. Re: Canada goes crazy (Bob Frankston) 8. Re: Canada goes crazy (Matt Larsen - Lists)

Joe Baptista