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[ NNSquad ] Re: Additional or differentiated services

On 8/27/2010 5:48 PM, George Ou wrote:

You have to be truly ignorant to claim that VoIP works fine in best effort.

Well, I guess I am truly ignorant then. My wife is from Chile and logs around 4 hours a week on Skype, and my ignorant students and I hold teleconference class meetings combining Skype and screen sharing.

This is with an "up to" 3 mbps down and "up to" 768 kbps up DSL link from Verizon. They may get fiber to my home in west Los Angeles sometime during my lifetime, which will make me a little less ignorant.

Maybe your standards for working "fine" are higher than mine. Is your cell phone "fine?"

You don't have to pay $45 or $100 for traditional TV. There are 120-channel

I was just repeating the number from the post I was replying to -- did not look at my bill. It's around $100 a month plus tax for DSL, minimal TV (lo def, no HBO, etc.) and telephone service. I don't know what part of that is TV.

"Crappy" is of course subjective. I watch little TV, and there are no programs I watch regularly. My wife watches more, but we just counted and can only think of 11 channels we've ever watched. We really buy the TV package so my wife can watch three channels and I can watch the Tour de France.

We spend a lot more time watching movies and on the Web for news, education and entertainment than watching TV.
