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[ NNSquad ] SavetheInternet.com staff briefing in the House Commerce Committee

Today, we held a staff briefing in the House Commerce Committee as part of a series of events (Open Internet Week) we convened in Washington.

Comcast was a topic of much interest as was AT&T's plans to filter Web traffic.

Follows are some clips. If people are interested, there's more video from this and a Senate briefing on spectrum:


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CLIP 1:  Columbia Law Prof. Tim Wu talks about Net Neutrality and AT&T monopoly.


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CLIP 2:  Why is the debate over an open Internet happening now? Ben Scott of Free Press, Tim Wu of Columbia Law School and Marvin Ammori of Free Press.


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CLIP 3:  Answering a staffer question about AT&T's expectations of a return on investment for building "last mile" infrastructure to deliver broadband to homes.


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CLIP 4: Free Press General Counsel Marvin Ammori speaks on Comcast's ongoing blocking of content-sharing applications such as BitTorrent.


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Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

The National Conference for Media Reform
June 6-8, 2008 :: Minneapolis