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[ NNSquad ] Re: [IP] Optical Data Transmitted Over 1, 500 Miles At 16.4 Tbps

Irony? No tragedy! That’s what http://www.frankston.com/?name=AssuringScarcity is about. The carriers are very upfront about the vital importance of preventing these kind of shenanigans. After all, if you have too much capacity anyone can be a service provider and then no one will be! It's as if the GSM companies (and the rest of telecom which shares this problem) were channeling Yogi Berra.


Alcatel-Lucent has enough problems – why do they want to cause problems for their prime customers who depend on paying a lot and getting little so they can argue that the little they have is so very valuable. It’s as if De Beers announced that they were going to supply diamonds by the boatload. Their triumph was in limiting the supply – all their progress in making diamonds so special would be lost if you could buy one for a few dollars (or at least a few Euros).


It's bad enough we have a tendency to assume a fixed pie and then fight over the crumbs. We have an industry whose very existence requires keeping the pie fixed. The tragedy is that most people can’t imagine the size of the pie once it’s a commons (to mix metaphors) so they simply bargain for a slice (pies are such tasty metaphors). NN is about fighting for a fair share of the pie – and it important as long as the carriers can keep the pie tiny.


I argue that a defining difference between intelligent networks and the Internet is that intelligent networks solve problems by having the intelligent designer pick winners based on which is most profitable to the designer/carrier. With the Internet our only tool is creating capacity be it by adding more physical resources or finding new value in what we already have (this is why I’m calling the opportunity dynamic).


Running 16.4Tbps is cute but is no more deserving of a headline that 3 GHz quad core extreme CPU. It’s what we’ve come to expect in computing and networking. The big story is that DSL, after 20 years, barely runs at more than a few megabits and often a lot less. That is news – or at least an entry in the police blotter once people realize that something is very wrong.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Farber [mailto:dave@farber.net]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 06:05
To: ip
Subject: [IP] Optical Data Transmitted Over 1,500 Miles At 16.4 Tbps




From: Bob Rosenberg [bob.redmountain@gmail.com]

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 1:10 AM

To: David Farber

Subject: Optical Data Transmitted Over 1,500 Miles At 16.4 Tbps




Perhaps for I.P.




Here's yet another reason why ISP's need to 'throttle' down the x-mission speed of certain packets.





Bob Rosenberg




Optical Data Transmitted Over 1,500 Miles At 16.4 Tbps <http://dodevice.com/optical-data-transmitted-over-1500-miles-at-164-tbps/>

Posted By Alexandru Dumitru on March 2, 2008


[http://dodevice.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/fiber-wire.jpg]Alcatel-Lucent researchers disclosed researches that are most likely going to revolutionize the internet transmissions, by increasing speeds dramatically. Those researches were presented at the Exposition/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference and Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the company stated that they've used some new technologies, "including a highly linear, balanced optoelectronic photoreceiver and an ultra-compact, temperature-insensitive coherent mixer."The researches broke a record, by managing to transmit optical data over 2,550km at an incredible speed of 16,b Tbps. For this to be possible, 164 wavelength-division multiplexed channels modulated at 100 Gbps were used. Also they have presented three photonic integrated circuits, able to reach speeds of up to 100Gbps with a high spectral efficiency.


George Rittenhouse, a VP researcher from Bell Labs stated that "these breakthroughs highlight the depth and breadth of the work done by Bell Labs researchers in optical networking and physical technologies around the world, and show how they must constantly improve and innovate across various technical areas to pave the way to the future of communications." Due to their work we might soon have no worry about the size of a movie, audio file, website or document. Hopefully this technology will be implemented and commercialized soon enough.



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