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[ NNSquad ] How Netflix Lost 800,000 Members, and Good Will

How Netflix Lost 800,000 Members, and Good Will

http://j.mp/uwe9wJ  (New York Times)

   "Like many other companies built in Silicon Valley, Netflix prides
    itself on its analytical, data-driven approach to making decisions.
    But it made a classic business misstep. In its reliance on data and
    long-term strategy, the company underestimated the unquantifiable
    emotions of subscribers who still want those little red envelopes,
    even if they forget to ever watch the DVDs inside."

 - - -

Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org 
 - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org 
 - Global Coalition for Transparent Internet Performance: http://www.gctip.org
 - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com 
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Blog: http://lauren.vortex.com 
Google+: http://vortex.com/g+lauren 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenweinstein 
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800 / Skype: vortex.com