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[ NNSquad ] Re: Comments on NNSquad Purpose

> BitTorrent Inc. is very much focused on legitimate uses of the
> protocol.

Brett Glass
> It's clear why. You can just imagine the BitTorrent people saying to one
> another, "Hey, we have to get some legitimate companies to use the
> protocol. That way, we can claim that it has 'substantial noninfringing
> uses,' even though we really know it's overwhelmingly used for piracy."

If 'overwhelmingly used for piracy' is the standard for prohibiting a
protocol on your ISP, then the use of the TCP protocol should also be
banned.  Since almost all YouTube videos are lifted from copyrighted
material, access to that site should be cut off, too.

If you owned a computer store, would you not sell blank CDs and DVDs
('overwhelmingly used for piracy')?

I reject, wholesale, that the ISP has to play 'censor' for the end-users.
That doesn't work.  I might create copyrightable content, or might have
rights to access under "fair-use" or other exceptions, or I might have
explicit permission to access or distribute the material (in my case, all of
the above have been true). The ISP cannot and should not know what I am
entitled to download or upload as I do it.